Whenever you are buying a home, you need to have the property thoroughly inspected before you close the deal. If you neglect this important task, you could end up discovering that the home has many problems that you were unaware of. Read more.
Buyer Inspection

Pre-Listing Inspection

You may want to consider a Pre-Listing Inspection or Seller Home Inspection which can assist the sale process will go smoothly and quickly. A pre-listing inspection is the same as a residential home buyer’s inspection except the information is obtained for the seller. Read more.
Radon Inspection

Radon gas is a health hazard with a simple solution. Radon is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas responsible for thousands of deaths per year that could be easily prevented. Read more.
Mold Testing

Mold Evaluation Inspection services are needed for every home. Mold is one of those sneaky perpetrators that are often very successful in going unnoticed. Read more.
Thermal Imaging

By detecting the difference in temperature between a wet area and the surrounding dry areas thermal imaging can help detect moisture issues that would not be visible during a limited visual home inspection. Read more.